Thursday, October 18, 2012

Our Fabulous Festival of Tables

"WOW" is the word that comes to mind to describe the tables that were lovingly decorated by members of the Good Shepherd Women’s Group for its 4th Annual Festival of Tables on Thursday, Oct. 4.
Nearly 200 ladies came together to not only decorate and dine on tables inspired by many themes and places near and far, but also to raise money for the Sister of St. Mary of Namur (SSMN).
The evening generated more than $3,200 for the Sisters. The wonderful ladies, who will be celebrating their 150th Anniversary in the U.S. and Texas in 2013, were our honored guests that evening.
Popular tables themes this year included Out of Africa, Casino Night, Queens of De-Nile, Angels, Life’s a Beach, Grapevine High School Senior Moms, College Football Alma Maters, In The (football) Party Zone, Winter magic, Autumn Harvest, Fishers of Men and Feed My Sheep. But three groups of ladies went "above and beyond" and were voted the best of the bunch by FOT attendees.
Winning inspirations for this year’s Fest of Tables were "Dr. Suess," which was voted No. 1,followed by the game of "Clue" (2nd place) and "Glamping" (3rd place).
 It was a wonderful evening of fellowship and we especially thank Stephanie and Janet who coordinated this event.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Have you ever experienced a miracle?

Sometimes someone will mention the miracle of life – especially their children.  Sometimes someone will know someone that was cured after a debilitating illness.

Actually, every one of us experiences the greatest miracle on Earth every time we go to Mass!  Just think about the ordinary elements of bread and wine becoming the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ!  There can be no greater miracle! 

Almost ten years ago, on my birthday, I prayed for this gift – a greater appreciation of the Blessed Sacrament.  Being a cradle-Catholic, I knew the teaching of our faith.  I was asking for an appreciation from my heart.  God always hears our prayers.  Less than a year later, I found myself coordinating Eucharistic Adoration at Good Shepherd.  I still have a very long way to go… we cannot understand many mysteries.  Yet spending time with Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration increases my appreciation of the awesome gift of the Mass.

We have a beautiful new Daily Chapel.  I wish everyone would stop by to spend some time with Our Lord!  I wish more people would commit to spending an hour with Him every week.  This commitment is never burdensome.  There are prayer partners and substitutes for when someone is unable to go.  The advantage of being scheduled is that once it is on the calendar, we go.  Then the Blessings come! 

Our Lady is really the Coordinator of Eucharistic Adoration, all I do is send out the emails!  Her purpose is always to bring us closer to her Son!