Thursday, August 30, 2012

Who are the Silver Dove?

Stephanie Drenka

Stephanie grew up always singing.  She was involved in show choir and  performed in several musicals at Carroll High School. During the summer she performed at Six Flags over Texas. While attending  DePaul University she was in the advanced choir whenever course load allowed. Now she sings for fun and the challenge of helping others.

Lance Brown

Lance grew up singing in church choirs and rock and folk bands in high school and college. He eventually moved on to directing church choirs for some 20 years.  Having a chance to work and sing with great musicians and great people while helping those in need is his motivation in starting and producing this group.

Terri Leisten

Terri grew up in Fairborn, Ohio, daughter of a band director and a ballerina. Her life was always surrounded by music and performing. She performed in several family bands on her way to achieving a Bachelors in Music from the University of  Dayton. She taught several years of high school level choral music and continues to sing, direct and play piano in church and other venues.

Don Devous
Growing up in St. Louis, Don started singing in school musicals. After moving to Texas he continued his music studies receiving a Bachelors of Music from The University of Texas and his Master of Arts in Voice from the UNT. He currently works for Fort Worth ISD as the Coordinator of Middle School Choirs. For him, music has truly been a life changing experience that he wishes to share with everyone.

Karin Vaught
Karin began performing at age ten in elementary school. She studied piano for years and sang in high school  musical productions. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Music from Texas Woman’s University. She has performed all over DFW: from coffee house gigs to opening a Fort Worth Cats baseball game to singing with the Regal Opera. She currently teaches voice and piano at her Bedford studio.
Tom Knodell
The second of eight kids in a musically gifted family, Tom was raised with vocal music all around him. Growing up in San Antonio, he sang in many youth choirs and   performed with his family for grateful retirement home residents. As an adult, he has sung in church choirs, quartets and the world famous “Vocal Majority”. He sings to share the joy in life.
Don't miss out on this amazing show.  Tickets are still available.  Reserve yours today!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Power of Prayer

My name is Jeff and I was a member of CRHP 2, and the CRHP 3 formation team.  Shortly after my CRHP experience, I became really ill (Viral Spinal Meningitis). On the Sunday after Thanksgiving 2010, my CRHP brothers held a prayer service, said a Rosary, and within an hour after the prayer service was complete, my 104 degree temperature began to break, and 6 days later I was released from the hospital (much to the surprise of my doctors). My mother visiting from out of town was amazed by the support and visits from my CRHP brothers and the faith that they showed, and the support they displayed to me and my wife Terri.

My entire family heard the story of my recovery and the amazing men that had my back throughout the entire ordeal. They heard the story from me, from my wife, and especially from my mom. She told everyone about the incredible level of prayer and support, and was renewed in her own faith by the actions of these men.

Since that time, my brother and his wife had their first baby. The baby had some difficulty during delivery, and was admitted to the NICU. My brother (who has had his ups and downs with his faith and the church) called me, and asked me to pray for my nephew. I asked him if I could share the story with my CRHP brothers and include them in the prayer train to ask the Lord to help my nephew fight his way back to health. He agreed, and I instantly got on the phone and email, and all of the CRHP family responded and let me know, that they were adding their prayers to help. Within a couple of weeks my nephew was home and he has been a healthy bundle of joy ever since.

I want you to know that our faith is a form of evangelism. We are changing the faith lives of people all over the country. My siblings were raised Catholic, but were at varying levels in their own faith journeys. I want to make sure that you know that our faith in the power of prayer is, increasing the faith that others have in the power of prayer.

Now I know that Evangelism isn't a concept that we as Catholics often consider, but this is exactly what is happening. Your faith, your prayers, your willingness to share your faith journey with your families, your small church communities, and with our complete Good Shepherd family is Evangelism in its truest form. You are making our community a shining example of faith that is becoming known across the country.

I am proud to be part of this faith team, and I thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

"God Moves in a Mysterious Way"

I have said this a million times thinking it was scripture. Surprise! It’s not. While this is not scripture it is a paraphrase that says a lot about living with a person like my son Dan, who has special needs. Everyday the Holy Spirit is revealed to us in mysterious ways; like when my husband, Bill, at our first Samuel Ministry meeting, was so moved that he said he felt it was time for Dan to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation; or when my prayers were answered and Terrie, Ronda and Barbara started the Samuel Ministry.
Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me, and I will answer you; I will tell you things great beyond reach of your knowledge.

Bill laughingly said Dan couldn't be filled with anymore "Holy Spirit". Father Richard asked us if Dan knew if he would be receiving the Holy Spirit. Dan is non-verbal so we responded for him; "Yes he can." and "Yes he does." We eagerly waited for Dan's turn to go down the aisle to Bishop Kevin Vann. Dan looked at me and tried to explain to me in his excitement that something wonderful was going to happen and "Yes" he was ready to receive more, and all, of the Holy Spirit.
My wish, with the help of the Samuel Ministry, is for all of our children to be able to fully participate in the Sacraments and never deny that God moves in mysterious ways.

Colossians 2:2,3   That their hearts may be encouraged as they are brought together in love; to have the richness of the fully assured understanding, for the knowledge of the mystery of God, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Thank you to everyone involved with the beautiful day of Dan’s Confirmation; Mark, Sarah, Barbara and the wonderful choir. Thank you also to Terrie and Ronda who give of their time so unselfishly.  -Debbie

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Feast of the Assumption

The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary takes place on August 15 and is the most important of Marian feasts and a holy day of obligation.  The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the Virgin Mary “having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.”  Catholic dogma leaves open the question of whether the Virgin Mary died before her assumption or whether she was assumed before death.  Both possibilities are allowed.  Fr. Thomas Onoda says “The catechism teaches us that God made us to love Him and serve Him in this world and to be happy with Him forever in the next.  Precisely, the Assumption of our Lady teaches us this truth.”  Fr. Onoda explains why this is so “because the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed body and soul with her full humanity and full human nature into Heaven.”  Fr. Onoda further explains that “this historical fact reminds us that our permanent abode is not upon Earth; it is in Heaven.”

We speak of Mary’s assumption, not ascension.  Christ ascended into heaven by his own power.  Mary was taken up to heaven by the power of God.  Dogma further tells us that Mary in heaven experiences the union of a glorified body and soul.  

Father William Doyle, S.J. felt the protection of Mary on this special feast day during a German shell attack in 1916.  He proclaimed to the young soldiers in battle after a harrowing attach that “You must not thank me, boys, don’t you know it is our Lady’s feast, and Mary had her mantle spread over us to save us from all harm?”

We hope that you will join us at Good Shepherd to celebrate this feast on Tuesday, Aug. 14 at 7:00 p.m. or Wednesday, Aug. 15 at 8:30 a.m. or 7:00 p.m.

Prayer for the Assumption of Mary
Father in heaven,
all creation rightly gives you praise,
for all life and all holiness come from you.
In the plan of your wisdom
she who bore the Christ in her womb
was raised body and soul in glory to be with him in heaven.
May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness
and join in her hymn of endless love and praise.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Gearing up for Family Faith Formation

Middle Schoolers are the best age. They are just beginning to question many things that they never considered. It is THE time in a person's life that can secure the foundation of a life lived serving Christ. The good news is the Good Shepherd Student Life is dedicated to empowering youth to understand, fall in love with and live out their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, Sacred Scripture and Holy Mother Church. This combination is unstoppable. The BETTER news is that we now have EDGE. This is the curriculum for middle school from the ministry group called Life Teen. Check out their website. Yes, even if you are an adult! It will really lift you up. Yours in Christ - Larry