Thursday, October 24, 2013

Danke Schoen Good Shepherd

Over 500 parishioners and friends attended Good Shepherd’s Second Annual Oktoberfest.  A good time was had by all at this  family event that featured German fare, live music on two stages and fun for all ages.  The kids enjoyed creating a craft, playing games and dancing, while their parents shopped the silent auction tables, and had an adult beverage or two. 

The live entertainment featured Good Shepherd’s favorite accordionist, Don Devous and co on the main stage, and instrumentalist Mike Wasson played outside in the pavilion.                    

Our creative ministries and parishioners  provided  52 items including a Fredricksburg getaway weekend basket, handmade wreaths and jewelry, and suite tickets to a Dallas Mavericks game, just to name a few.  The many talents and gifts of our parishioners were on display at this special auction.  Over $4,000 was raised at the silent auction and the proceeds will be used to support Good Shepherd’s Outreach ministries.

Each of Good Shepherd’s hospitality ministries participated in this event and took ownership of a piece of the event.

Danke schoen to the Oktoberfest team and chairpersons

Women’s Group (Silent Auction):  Kathy G & Rochelle R, Men’s Club (Food):  David S, Women’s Group (Tickets):  Patti Z, Lisa M, Mary Z,  The Knight’s of Columbus(Beer and Promotions after Mass):  Mike B and Mike M, Wednesday Night Live (Set-up, Clean-up, Crafts): Aaron M, Maggie L, Lucy Y, Alyssa L, Elizabeth F, Louis G, Jim, Crystal, Matthew M, Michael G, Kyle G, Christian T and Paul P Archangel Mothers(Decorations): Katie B, Crystal F, and Jacque O.

Danke Schoen und Sie sehen im nachsten Jahr

(Thank you and see you next year!)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bishop's Annual Respect Life Banquet

Good Shepherd teens attend the Fort Worth Diocese Pro Life Bishops banquet.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Catholics Respect Life

We are all familiar with the adage, “It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.”  What greater darkness can there be than the shadow cast over our country by the passage of Roe vs. Wade thirty years ago resulting in the deaths of over 56,000,000 babies.

I have known those feelings of frustration and helplessness that so many of us have experienced in regard to this issue.  I have asked myself, “What can one person do against a culture of death so prevalent in today’s society?”  The answer for me has been to join with others in prayer, in extending a helping hand to women in crisis pregnancies and in supporting each other in whatever aspect and degree of pro-life work that we feel called to do.

Here at Good Shepherd we are blessed to have a Catholics Respect Life group made up of men and women committed to promoting a culture of life.  We meet monthly (the 2nd Tuesday at 6:45).   I invite all parishioners to join us and see what we can do together to make a difference.  Come, light a candle!   Cathy