Thursday, July 26, 2012

"Live like no one else, so you can later live like no one else" -Dave Ramsey

If you have ever heard of Dave Ramsey, one of his favorite quotes is “Live like no one else, so you can later live like no one else.” I rolled my eyes and heard, “Today, sacrifice SO much that you can have no fun living, so later, you will have enough money but be TOO old to enjoy it.”  Boy, was I wrong.  Dave Ramsey is a radio personality who, in his 20's, made millions buying and selling real estate.  Also, in his 20's, filed for bankruptcy.  So, why am I taking advise from this guy about money?  Dave took time to analyze his mistakes.  He interviewed lots of rich people and found common ground. Dave takes a spiritual approach, and uses common sense.  His baby steps are a discipline approach to saving, giving and living.  Dave found a way for people to manage money and to live debt free in an entertaining series that appeals to the nerds and the free spirits.

My husband and I have never been irresponsible about money.  But, if I ran the finances, we would NOT be in debt (all of the time), but we would be greeters at Walmart when we were 80 because we wouldn't have any retirement.  If my husband ran all the finances we would do NOTHING except work, eat in every night and, for fun, watch our savings grow.  Let's just say, we have had our fair share of money fights.  With Financial Peace University, a program started by Dave Ramsey, we can speak the same language about finances.  We are in control of our money.  We actually put a name to each dollar before it goes out that month.  We can give, save and still have fun!
This class is for everyone:  Single, old, married, and young (in any combination).  Whether you are about to declare bankruptcy, have millions in the bank, or just want to be able to talk with you significant other about money, this is the class for you!  -Kathy

Thursday, July 19, 2012


This past weekend, 52 students and adults from Good Shepherd attended the Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference DCYC.  After the weekend, the students were asked to reflect on three questions:

·         How did you fill before the weekend?

·         How did you fill after the weekend?

·         What part of the weekend makes you want to go back?

Read their amazing responses!


·       Before the weekend I felt:  so excited! I knew it would be a great fun and spiritually filled weekend!:D this was my 3rd year. I was too excited that I couldn't sleep the day before; Knowing that there is going to be singing and dancing just for the Lord!!

·       After the weekend I felt: soooo HOT!;) because last weekend... The speakers talked about their lives and how they were changed by God. The music we sang, helped me sing out loud even though I don't have such a great voice! And all the amazing dances and hand gestures we did to praise the Lord. Those all helped IGNITE my heart. It made me feel so much closer to the Lord!

·       The part of the weekend that makes me want to go back is: making new friends, the dance on Saturday night, the cool workshops, praising and worshiping the lord through the songs, and dancing the Catholic dance!! I also loved the feel of the soft beds and pillows. The speakers were also very inspirational!!!:) I remember thinking next year I should invite: some of my friends that love the Lord! And r interested to give up their weekend just to praise Him!  


·       Before the weekend I felt: great but I also felt like I was missing something. A little more connection with God maybe?

·       After the weekend I felt: ON FIRE! Awesome and more connected with God like He is my best friend.

·       The part of the weekend that makes me want to go back is: The Key Note speakers were awesome, funny, but they send out a clear message. DJ Bill Lage is just as awesome and the music he plays is great! ~Niccolo


·       Before the weekend I felt: I felt that I had a great connection with Christ during Mass and WNL, but that connection seemed to slip away a little once I left church.

·        After the weekend I felt: I now feel that I have so many other Catholic youth to draw support from. I am so pumped to go out and spread the word of Christ because I learned the most from kids just like me while I was at DCYC.

·       The part of the weekend that makes me want to go back is: Everything! All I can remember thinking while I was at the convention is that I never wanted to leave. The speakers, friends, crazy dances, and everything in between were incredible.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Senior Campout 2012

It is mid-July in Texas with temperatures soaring to over 100 degrees in the shade and what do our seniors and recent high school grads agree to do?  Go on a campout!  Heat aside, the teens and adults had a great time.  They swam, played Frisbee, sang and had a great time getting to know one another better.  Here are a few quotes from the students that we thought we would share:

“It was incredible to see the bonds form so quickly and deeply between the upcoming seniors who will be the leaders of our youth program next year!  Their enthusiasm and openness was truly inspiring!”  Frances

“It was fun to smile all night long!” Matt

“The event gave me a whole new perspective of everything and everyone around me.”  Tyler

“It was wonderful to get to see the Holy Spirit working so strongly through our up and coming seniors!  They have a great desire to grow God’s Church, and a great willingness to form life- long friendships designed around expanding their faith.”   Johnny

Friday, July 6, 2012

Changed forever, but still love peanut butter and jelly.

After traveling to Honduras on the Mission Trip for Good Shepherd, I realized that although we live far from the mountains of the Trade School in Campamento, Honduras, we are close in spirit. We are more alike than different. They may prefer tortilla and mantaquilla to peanut butter and jelly but we are more similar than different.  Parents there want the same things that we parents want here in the US…to provide the best that we can for our children.
The kindness and generosity that the Hondurans showed us by a mere smile and hug would knock your socks off. It’s like no experience I have ever had. They have next to nothing and yet, they are smiling, singing, and clearly happy. They cling tightly to the Word of God, the blessings of the Mass and Eucharist (which in some remote locations in the mountains they receive only once a year with the visiting priest), the love of family and friends. It’s life at its most basic. The way it’s supposed to be. We should all look to our brothers and sisters in Honduras as an example. They have it right.
It is through the giving hearts of so many at Good Shepherd that Nelson Rodriguez is able to continue the work of educating the students at the Trade School. It is an inspiring place. One that will stay with me for the duration of my life.    ~Laurie