Monday, September 30, 2013

Date Night

What an amazing ministry and so much needed in our world today!  The Marriage Enrichment “Date Night” is for all couples married from 1 month to 99 years!  We've not missed a date yet, not because of obligation, but we can't wait until the next one!  The experience of this ministry has brought my husband,  and I closer than I imagined we would be after 17 years of marriage.  The study book "Happy Together" is amazing.  We've become more sensitive to each other's needs.  Our daily morning prayers together before we get up out of bed in the morning are stronger than before.  We find each other writing little post it notes to each other or thinking of other small ways to say "I love you" since our budget is tight.  You don't have to "buy or earn" your spouse's love with material things.  The “Happy Together Date Night” is a great reminder to take time for your marriage, it's a lifelong INVESTMENT.  If you don't put time in for each other, you won't get much out of it.  Marriage Enrichment is a great thing to have on your calendar and commit to be there for each other. The upcoming Date Nights are October 4, November 8, February 14 and March 7.  See the bulletin or Good Shepherd’s website for more details and to register.

"Marriage is to be held in honor among all . . ."  Hebrews 13:4


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Evangelization Prayer

We pray for a church where no one feels alone

We pray for a church that loves

God and each other

We pray for a church that values

each person’s strengths

We pray for a church that is guided by

the Holy Spirit to rediscover itself

We pray for a church that continues to embrace the vision of Vatican II

We pray for a church that is fully engaged

We pray for a church that focuses on

love, peace, justice and compassion

We pray for a church in which

everyone is welcoming

We pray for a church that proclaims

the good news of Jesus Christ

in word and action

We pray that we will be that church!


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sharron and I have made nine major moves during our 45 years together. Happily, we have been able to sink taproots into the special ‘family’ community of Good Shepherd. Having been in the multi-line insurance business for 31 years, we have seen the family trauma when there has been little or no end-of-life planning. We have foregone burial in a National Cemetery though my ten years in the Air Force make that an option. Instead, we purchased a niche in the GSCC Columbarium having fallen in love with its unique setting. We visualize Christ on the crucifix in the main sanctuary wrapping His arms around the Community of Saints – the congregation and those inurned in the Columbarium. Moreover, when, during the Eucharistic Prayer, the Presider remembers those who have died in the peace of Christ, he will be able to look at those of us in the Columbarium. Further, Sharron and I will be remembered during services in the Marian Garden honoring the Blessed Mother. Thus, we will remain members of the Good Shepherd ‘family’ for eternity.

Good Shepherd Columbarium