Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jesus is Really Everywhere! A Reflection by Abbie-Nursing Home Ministry Coordinator

Father came for Mass since it was the 2nd Friday and after Mass, we walk around and bring communion to anyone who couldn't (or didn't want to) come. Well, they play BINGO on Fridays at 10:00 so we usually catch several of them in the main dining room. (I know--they go to BINGO but not Mass. We don't ask questions.) Anyway, I was surprised to see Eleanor sitting at one of the tables. Surprised because I thought she'd gone to live with family and surprised because she was out of bed and dressed. She looked great--much better than the last time I'd seen her. So of course I went over to ask if she wanted Communion, which she did. So Father came to her and right there in the middle of the BINGO game, we were praying the Our Father and he gave her the Body of Christ and it just struck me that Jesus really is everywhere. He comes to us, no matter where we are. Even in the middle of a makeshift BINGO parlor.


  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story! What an inspiration & uplifting reminder!

  2. What a wonderful ministry. I didn't know we had this ministry at GSCC. Tell us more about it! What are your needs? What are the best times to be involved? Which homes do you visit? Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you for your interest in the nursing home ministry. Each Sunday, members of our ministry provide a communion service to the residents of Bishop Davies Nursing Home in Hurst and South Colleyvine Ranch Assisted Living Community in Colleyville. In addition, we assist Father Richard once a month with a Mass for the residents at each facility. At Christmas time, we collect and deliver gifts to the residents as well as small surprises for them at other holidays throughout the year--red balloons for Valentine's Day, a small pumpkin at Halloween, etc. The new Dancing Rivers Assisted Living Center in Colleyville has recently been added to our ministry, with a Wednesday communion service and rosary as well as a monthly Mass. Our growing ministry welcomes your interest. Not everyone does everything--our ministry is certainly a group effort. Please contact the church office and you will be directed to the Nursing Home Ministry Coordinator.
