Thursday, February 2, 2012

CRHP movement growing within our Parish -Reflection by Kathy H.

Sunday afternoon marked the end of the Women's CRHP 5 Retreat at Good Shepherd, but it is just the beginning for this new group of retreatants. When I made the CRHP 4 retreat in August I did so for two reasons: 1) to meet more women in the parish and 2) to continue my faith journey. My first goal was met immediately by the end of our retreat weekend. But I had no idea how enriched my life would be by this faith journey.

After completing CRHP 5 as part of the team I can honestly say this truly is a journey that has enriched my faith life beyond measure. The fellowship that we share as CRHP sisters is only the beginning. It is the sharing of scripture, prayers and worship, and personal testimonies of how Christ has worked and continues to work in our lives that truly bind us together as one Church. I have learned so much from my sisters. They have helped me see Christ in others in a way I've never experienced. And isn't that what our faith is all about? By seeing Christ in others we learn how to become better Catholics by their example. When we receive the Eucharist at Mass we truly are God's temple to carry Him out into the world. Hopefully others will recognize Christ within us.

It is so exciting to see the CRHP movement growing within our parish. I hope our sisters that just finished the retreat will feel blessed by the experience. I pray others will consider making an upcoming retreat, if you have not had the opportunity to do so.

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