Thursday, February 9, 2012

Women's Group Fundraiser for the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur

Four years ago I became acutely aware that the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur were in dire straights financially.  These ladies were the ones that educated me, and as I have come to realize, gave me most of the values that I have tried to live with in my life.  I also began to see in our parish that many were educated by "the nuns" in other parts of our country, and although grateful, had lost touch with "their nuns".  Why not "adopt" the Sisters of St. Mary?

Good Shepherd Women's Group helped with some of their challenges by doing an Angel Tree during the Christmas season...providing cleaning products, sheets, towels, lotions, tissue, paper towels, and toilet paper...things we take for granted but things needed and somewhat expensive.  Generous gift cards were also the nuns could "shop" at Wal-Mart, Target, Barnes and Noble etc.

The Festival of Tables on February 2  also provide much needed help for the sisters...with a donation covering everything but our expenses.  At our January meeting some sisters came to be with us, and give us an overview of their history and educational opportunities that they have provided in our area.  Sister St. John kept us laughing with her witty remarks in telling of their journey from Belgium to Texas.  During that evening, I was struck again by the joy they find in everything they see and do.  I also saw that the Sisters of St. Mary have become "our nuns" and, I think, we are so proud of our "adoptees".  - Cathy (Women's Group Member)

Alice In Wonderland 1st Place Winner at the Festival of Tables

This was my first year doing Festival of Tables, as it was to several other ladies at our table.  We threw this together last minute and only had a few weeks to plan. Barbara Maxwell and I came up with Alice in Wonderland l, because of the fun and whimsical things you can do with that!  We then invited Jacque O, Katie J, Channan S, Crystal F, Kathy H and Amy R. Many of the ladies did not know each other, so new friendships were made!  The many evenings putting together our "dress rehearsal" table at Barbara's house created a fun.. fast bond!  The amount of sharing and laughter I will cherish!  What an amazing group of talented ladies!

Giving the $100 gift card to the sisters was worth all the time and effort we put into the table.

We have all decided to go on a celebratory dinner... To plot our next years awesome table theme!
-Katie (Women's Group Member)

Check out all of the pictures from the Festival of Tables!

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