Thursday, July 26, 2012

"Live like no one else, so you can later live like no one else" -Dave Ramsey

If you have ever heard of Dave Ramsey, one of his favorite quotes is “Live like no one else, so you can later live like no one else.” I rolled my eyes and heard, “Today, sacrifice SO much that you can have no fun living, so later, you will have enough money but be TOO old to enjoy it.”  Boy, was I wrong.  Dave Ramsey is a radio personality who, in his 20's, made millions buying and selling real estate.  Also, in his 20's, filed for bankruptcy.  So, why am I taking advise from this guy about money?  Dave took time to analyze his mistakes.  He interviewed lots of rich people and found common ground. Dave takes a spiritual approach, and uses common sense.  His baby steps are a discipline approach to saving, giving and living.  Dave found a way for people to manage money and to live debt free in an entertaining series that appeals to the nerds and the free spirits.

My husband and I have never been irresponsible about money.  But, if I ran the finances, we would NOT be in debt (all of the time), but we would be greeters at Walmart when we were 80 because we wouldn't have any retirement.  If my husband ran all the finances we would do NOTHING except work, eat in every night and, for fun, watch our savings grow.  Let's just say, we have had our fair share of money fights.  With Financial Peace University, a program started by Dave Ramsey, we can speak the same language about finances.  We are in control of our money.  We actually put a name to each dollar before it goes out that month.  We can give, save and still have fun!
This class is for everyone:  Single, old, married, and young (in any combination).  Whether you are about to declare bankruptcy, have millions in the bank, or just want to be able to talk with you significant other about money, this is the class for you!  -Kathy

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