Who doesn’t feel the time crunch this
time of year? So many things demand our
time: holiday parties for school, church groups, employers; shopping; baking;
cleaning for relatives to visit or packing to travel to see family; keeping family
traditions alive and starting new ones—shall I go on? Yikes.
It wears me out just to think about it!
So when someone mentions the idea of spending time at a nursing home, shopping
for a gift for an angel from the angel tree, volunteering at a homeless
shelter, spending extra time in daily prayer, or committing to an hour of
Eucharistic Adoration, it probably puts you over the edge, huh?
Do you remember the Gospel reading a few
weeks ago about the widow who gave 2 coins amidst the wealthy who were giving
so much more? Jesus called his disciples
to him and pointed her out, saying she had given more than the wealthy because
she gave from what little she had. Well, what if we think about our time as the
2 coins the widow was holding out? We
don’t have much extra time this month.
So, if we spend even a small amount of it in service to others or in
prayer, Jesus will treasure our gift of time; perhaps the most precious
commodity during this Advent season!
Abbie is a happy wife and mother who is
busy trying to practice what she just preached!
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